Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, ON.


While our preference leans towards equity investments, we possess the flexibility to invest across the entire capital structure of a project, including mezzanine, debt and equity financing. Our lean and flexible operational setup allows us to make swift decisions and offer prompt feedback.

In contrast to institutional funds, we avoid navigating multiple committees for consensus to secure necessary approvals. Instead, we answer to a single shareholder who plays a pivotal role in decision-making and collaborates closely with the senior leadership team.

In the context of our real estate development projects, we delegate day-to-day operations to our development partners, allowing them to execute their strategies and make operational decisions without micromanagement, which is essential for fostering innovation and agility.

Ambassador Bridge, Canada and USA Border

Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City, QC


At the Demeter Family Office, we prioritize governance and adhere to the highest industry standards. Our approach aligns with institutional fund governance requirements and focuses on accountability, transparency, fairness, and ethical behavior in the conduct of business and management of resources.

We’ve developed a comprehensive risk management framework that assesses and mitigates potential risks to safeguard our investments. We continuously evaluate and adapt our governance practices to evolving industry trends, regulatory changes, and best practices to remain effective and responsive in a dynamic business environment.

By combining strong governance with proactive engagement and a focus on excellence, we are setting the stage for sustainable success and positive outcomes for our partners and stakeholders.


Our primary objective is to cultivate living spaces that prioritize the well-being of individuals and communities, while also playing a pivotal role in achieving our global commitment to carbon neutrality. In this vein, our corporate and investment strategy is deeply rooted in the integration of environmental, social, and governance factors, reflecting our dedication to responsible practices.

We firmly believe that sustainability and profitability are not mutually exclusive. We recognize that aligning our assets with climate change considerations not only safeguards us against future market shifts but also enhances value creation.

Environmental, Social, and Governance considerations have gained significant importance in investment decisions and business practices as organizations strive to achieve not only financial success, but also a positive impact on society and the planet.

By being proactive in anticipating forthcoming market standards, we position ourselves to excel both ethically and financially.  In essence, our strategy encompasses the amalgamation of ESG principles, a focus on well-being, and a commitment to sustainability.

Moraine Lake, Banff National Park, AB